Monthly Archives: December 2023

First full year back…

So this was my first complete calendar year back in New England. It’s been great to see some old faces I’ve worked within wrestling before I left July 2015, a few from when I first started at the end of 2001, and many new faces…some weren’t even born yet when I started…of course after seven years of being away you should expect differences. Hell, I saw things change right before me in Michigan during my time there, and of course the years in New England prior.

This has been the coolest and busiest year for wrestling in a long time. In one sense that’s easy to do since from 2020-2022, we had the “All That’s Going On Out There” and I was wrapping up a divorce and plans to move from Michigan back to Massachusetts. I just didn’t have much going on and didn’t go looking to ask for it. 

Regular life…I’m still working on that, but who isn’t? As far as I can tell my heart is still strong, healthy, and as if a heart attack never happened (September 2, 2011 for those that don’t know). A few things need to get in order and checked out including things unrelated to the heart. I had a bottom wisdom and molar tooth give me trouble a few months ago and had to be removed due to infections…and since we were there the other bottom wisdom tooth got removed to since it would cause the same problems at some point. It was weird getting set up for the surgery, and then it seemed like a snap of a finger it was all coming off and I’m like “did you even take the teeth out?” with my mouth full of gauze.

We’ll see what happens in 2024, and kicking off my 23rd year doing this thing.