Tag Archives: Professional Wrestling

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow. Ventures in ROH & WWE, My 2014 Reflections.

Much like many people do, I like to reflect back over the calendar year as it draws to an end. For 2014 I had great experiences, life’s lessons of living better, and accomplishments. I have read about people keeping a list of all the good things they experience through out the year, which I thought was a cool idea, but didn’t do… However things hit close to the heart this year, and will never be forgotten.

I’ve seen the results of what happens in your life when toxic and negative friends are removed. It’s amazing what other people can see in them, that you can’t and it reflects on yourself! Once these “friends” are removed, not only the perception of others on you changes, but your energy, and outlook will start to change as well all for the better!

Things DO happen for a reason! Sometimes, you may find yourself on a path to get somewhere you really want to be, only to be disappointed. Take a look what happened along the way though. The people you meet, as they become lifetime supporters of what you want to accomplish. The places and things you get to see, and the things you learn. All of these can be used for the next chapter, because things don’t just end there. Sometimes blessings are in disguise, and God’s delays are not God’s denials!

I have nothing to brag about but things to be proud of in my 2014 accomplishments and I’d like to share them as some have not been shared publicly, or at least not on any internet platform until now.

I was given several opportunities to referee on Ring of Honor events through out this year including: Wrestling’s Finest 2014, Supercard of Honor VIII in New Orleans that took place during the biggest wrestling weekend of the year, a couple TV Taping events, and of course their end of year event Final Battle 2014 in New York City.

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ROH in New Orleans – Screen Shot from ROH TV

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ROH in New Orleans – Screen Shot from ROH TV



ROH Final Battle ’14 NYC. Mikey Webb pinning Cheeseburger. Credit: George Tahinos


ROH Final Battle ’14 NYC. Jay Briscoe vs. Adam Cole for the World Championship.



Kwick-E-Mart found in Pittsburgh, PA just before ROH Wrestling’s Finest ’14!









In February I got my first “real” haircut in 16 years…and oddly, there are still some out there who don’t know, despite having kept an active schedule in refereeing events.

Today marks 13 years since my first match refereed… There’s nothing to celebrate, but it’s a cool thing to look back on. It took place in Natick, Massachusetts at the American Legion Hall. “Psycho” Mike Osbourne defeating GQ Beast!


WWE Performance Center – Orlando, FL

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WWE Performance Center – Orlando, FL

In June, I was invited, and accepted the opportunity for a 3-Day Tryout Camp at the WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) Performance Center in Orlando, FL. I never imagined it to happen years prior. While I am not being offered any contract at this time, I had a positive experience, and I went out with a positive outlook.

I want to close this note off by thanking all the promoters and/or bookers for all the opportunities this year. Whether you kept me on as a regular, a few events, a one-night deal, or if you gave me extra work to make you a flier/graphics! Thank you to all my true supporters and mentors. You all know exactly who you are. You all stuck through with me through my slumps, spells and even my nosedive to the abyss. Even though I probably didn’t deserve it… Thank you for being there, and guiding me through these steps to fix myself up as a person, and a professional. Most of all thank you to my wife, Meg who has helped me heal from the inside out, and get my focus back on track, pushing me to go further and go after what I really want to do. T his year, and the years leading up to now wouldn’t have been possible without her in my corner. I have to say, if anyone in professional wrestling has a spouse, or a significant other who supports them to all ends to succeed…hang onto them. It’s a rare quality, and rare sacrifice one would make for this business that can throw things off in personal lives.

Things have stepped up this year, and I may not be where I want to be in life, but I’m grateful that I’m not where I was before. 2014 was an amazing year, and the best is yet to come!